Navigating the DVA claims process can be complex, especially when it comes to mental health. At The Rosemary Centre, we offer expert guidance and support, simplifying the claims process for you. We provide these services via TeleHealth so that we can support all veterans.

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Making the claims lodgement process straightforward

How we help

We understand the DVA claims process intimately and are committed to making it as straightforward as possible for you

Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance, ensuring that your claim is handled efficiently and effectively, giving you the best possible outcome for your mental health claim.

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Navigating Claim Process Together

We collaborate with you to seamlessly navigate the DVA mental health claim process, offering expert guidance every step of the way.

holding hands

Prepare & Lodge

Our team assists in preparing the supporting documentation for your mental health claim, ensuring all paperwork is meticulously completed and submitted on time.

House care

Liaise & Support

We liaise directly with you or your advocate to ensure that your supportive mental health documentation is correct in a timely manner.

Ready to start your claim?

Begin your journey towards a successful DVA claim. Contact us today to discuss your needs and learn how we can assist you.

Frequently asked questions

Lets start your claim process today

United & strong, we have your back.

Start your journey with us